420 mail order is a very safe process. When you buy marijuana from us, which typically comes in packages, depending on the marijuana product is sealed
After you complete the ordering process an order number and order details are sent to you via email. Your order details includes your mailing address. Marijuanas LLC recreational dispensaries do not accept credit cards at the moment, we have it as a policy to keep customer’s details private. However, that form of payment is obviously traceable, unlike bitcoin and cash. Marijuanas LLC recreational dispensaries use different marijuana delivery methods that is “stealth packaging”, “priority box”, “vacuum sealing”, just to name a few. Now you may be thinking, what if a mail inspector actually finds the cannabis in the package?, won’t they call the cops? Actually, No. The reason is that there is no way to prove who ordered the cannabis. Anyone can say that someone framed them by having the cannabis delivered to their address, and there is no way to prove differently. So in the extremely rare instance that cannabis are discovered, the mail inspector simply disposes of them and includes a form letter in the package which tells the receiver that an illegal product was confiscated from the package. The good news is that if the seller is contacted in a cordial manner, they may send another shipment packaged differently in order to satisfy the customer. Marijuanas LLC companies have excellent customer service.