The American Health Care Academy offers nationally-accepted and easy-to-understand online CPR/AED, BLS, ACLS, and First Aid certification courses.
American Health Care Academy provides training in online CPR certification, AED training, PALS, ACLS, and BLS Standard First Aid for lay-responders and Healthcare Providers. The courses follow American Heart Association and 2015 ECC Guidelines. Our OSHA-compliant Bloodborne Pathogens certification course is intended for any individual who may come into contact with blood or blood-containing materials at the workplace. Our Instructors are always accessible and provide excellent services to all of our clients. We place incredible importance on customer service. Our CPR course, First Aid course, Healthcare Provider CPR class, and Bloodborne Pathogens certification course can be accessed from anywhere and learnt at your own pace. Our First Aid, Bloodborne and CPR classes, which are a combination of an online course and instructor-based demonstrations, is a very popular alternative to the traditional class format. The courses can be completed within a few hours. So you don’t have to wait for weeks to get your certification. The material in our Adult, Child, Infant online CPR, AED training, and First Aid classes adhere to AHA and ECC 2015 standards. Our classes are nationally recognized and there’s a hassle-free refund policy as well in a rare case they aren’t. Our instructors are highly qualified in their field of expertise and provide outstanding support for all student needs. Join the larger purpose and help save lives.