Communication And Learning Institute
Speech-Language Evaluation, Therapy and Tutoring. Child Study Team. Bilingual in English and Spanish
The following are some of the areas of concern that are addressed to help individuals achieve their goals: Speech-language Evaluation & Therapy Tutoring / Coaching Public Speaking Accent Reduction Child Study Team Evaluation, Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) development & Case management (Learning Consultant, School Social Worker, School Psychologist and Speech Language Specialist)) Stuttering Therapy (Speech Fluency) Apraxia Therapy (Motor Speech Disorder) Speech Delay Language Delay Aphasia Therapy (Stroke) Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Aural Habilitation & Rehabilitation (Hearing Impaired children & adults) Cognitive Retraining (Traumatic Brain Injury-TBI) Dysphagia / Feeding Therapy Voice Therapy Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD) Progressive Neurological Conditions (MS, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease
130 Gregory Avenue West Orange, NJ