High-Quality Delicious Sports Nutrition Supporting Athletes To Push Their Possible Fuel Your Adventure
Gnarly exists to create the highest quality sports nutrition products for all levels of performance. Nutrition that helps push through the failure, amplify grit, and celebrate messy triumphs. That’s where our passion lies: in progressing each athlete’s best, from the inside out. We are here for the long training runs, summit days, new PRs, and every day in between. Our unequivocal commitment is to science-backed nutrition, delivered through transparent, natural, straightforward ingredient standards and rigorous product testing. Knowledge is powerful, so we back our commitment to the product with a pledge to educate others about the benefits of functional nutrition. We find the most joy outside, and devote ourselves to sharing it: by increasing diversity in outdoor pursuits, strengthening environmental protections by amplifying the voices of environmental activists, and pushing our own behind-the-scenes sustainability goals. At Gnarly, we grow by pushing what’s possible.
650 South 500 West Salt Lake City, UT